Effects of lesions in the substantia nigra upon subthalamic dyskinesia in the monkey

An attempt has been made to determine the physiological effect of lesions in the substantia nlgra upon subthalamic dysldnesia in the monkey. Subthalamic dysldnesia, a choreoid activity, occurs contralateral to lesions in the subthalamic nucleus. In 5 monkeys with established subthalamic dysldnesia, lesions in the substantia nigra were produced contralateral to the most severe dyskinesia. Measurements of the volumes of the substantia nigra and the tissue destroyed indicated the lesions destroyed 7 to 20% of the nucleus. Estimates of the large cell loss in the pars compacta of the substantia nigra indicated that far larger proportions of the cell population of this nucleus were affected by these lesions. Lesions in the substantia nigra of the above-de scribed type appear to have no effect upon subthalamic dyskinesia in the monkey.