Effects of naloxone on pethidine-induced neonatal depression. Part II--Intramuscular naloxone.

Thirty full-term infants whose mothers had had pethidine during labour were given either naloxone 200 microgram or normal saline intramuscularly. The drugs were chosen blindly and administered within one minute of birth. Naloxone produced a significant reduction in mean alveolar carbon dioxide tension and an increase in carbon dioxide excretion and mean alveolar ventilation at all times up to 48 hours after birth. The mean rate of habituation to a repeated auditory stimulus, the mean sucking frequency, the sucking pressure, and the mean consumption of milk were all significantly higher in the naloxone-treated group than in the placebo-treated group up to 48 hours after birth. Intramuscular naxolone therefore seemed to reverse the undesirable effects of pethidine.