The temperature dependence of the soft mode ω0, the central peak S(q, ω=0), and the electron-paramagnetic-resonance (EPR) linewidth ΔH above a continuous structural phase transition driven by a soft R-corner mode is calculated. In the noncritical region the important self-energy terms leading to a central peak at q=qR are shown to be the chain diagrams. This is due to a particular feature of the lowest transverse phonon branch giving rise to a two-phonon density of states ρ0(q, ω) which is nonzero for qqR, ω0. The exponents of TTc found for ω0, S(qR, ω=0), and ΔH are, respectively, +½, -2, and -½, the first being the same as that obtained in the mean-field theory of Pytte and Feder, and the second agreeing with a result of Cowley.