Y.ODA AND K. TONOMURA. 1996. The presence of any one of the five unlinked MAL loci (MALI, MAL2, MAL3, MAL4 AND MAL6) confers the ability fo ferment maltose on the yeast Saccharomyces cerecvisiae. Each locus is composed of three genes encoding maltose permease, α-glucosididase and MAL activator. Chromosomal DNA of seven representative baking strains has been separated by pulse-field gel electrophoresis and probed with three gense in MAL6 locus. The DNA bands to which all of the three MAL derived probes simultaneously hybridized were chromosome VII carrying MAL1 in all of the strains tested, chromosome XI carrying MAL4 in six strains, chromosome III carrying mal2 in three strains and chromosomes II and VIII carrying MAL3 and MAL6, respectively, in the one strain. The number of MAL loci in bakig strains was comparable to those of brewing strins.