Ultrasonic microdissection of the mouse mandible: Exposure of the vasculature of alveolar bone and myelinated axons of the pulp

The present scanning electron microscopic study describes a new method for the exposure of blood vessels of mouse alveolar bone and myelinated nerves of the dental pulp. This technique differs from others because it does not remove the periodontal ligament, allowing study of the vascular continuity between alveolar bone and periodontal ligament. Fixed and demineralized mandibles are digested with bacterial collagenase (1 mg/ml) at 37°C for 12 hours, exposed to buffered osmium tetroxide for 24 hours, and ultrasonicated at 80 kHz for 5 minutes. The technique demonstrates that the vascular distribution of the interdental and interradicular septa is different. Vessels pass horizontally through the interdental septum and are continuous with vessels of the adjacent periodontal ligament. Vessels of the interradicular septum branch from a central vessel, pass toward the adjacent periodontal ligament, and become continuous with its vessels. Thus, the pattern of vessel distribution of the interdental septum of the mouse has little similarity to that of man or of research animals. The present study provides an improved method for demonstration of bone vasculature and pulpal axons while retaining valuable anatomical landmarks.