Reduction of Blood Platelet Monoamine Oxidase Activity in Schizophrenic Patients on Phenothiazines

A newly developed assay for monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity in blood platelets (serotonin used as substrate) was applied for the measurement of the enzyme activity in 76 schizophrenic patients. No significant reduction was found in the blood platelet MAO activity in a group of 33 untreated schizophrenic patients, as compared to that in the normal controls. Male patients revealed to have lower enzyme activity than females in the schizophrenic group, as we described previously in the normal subjects. Treatment with phenothiazines caused significant reduction of blood platelet MAO activity, while platelet serotonin content and platelet count appeared to be not affected by the drug treatment. The authors suggest that blood platelet MAO activity may be related to hormonal factors but not to psychiatric diagnosis of schizophrenia or constitution liable to schizophrenic illnesses.