Neutron Form Factors from Inelastic Electron-Deuteron Scattering

The differential cross section for quasielastic scattering of electrons from neutrons initially bound in deuterium has been measured at 90° and 120° laboratory angle for values of the four-momentum transfer squared equal to 11, 15, 20, 25, and 35 F2. The yield of momentum analyzed scattered electrons was measured using CD2, CH2, and C targets. The Durand theory for the effects of deuteron binding is used to extract experimental values for the ratio of the electron-neutron and electron-proton differential cross sections. Over most of the range of the experiment σnσp is between 0.3 and 0.5. The neutron form factors obtained are consistent with previous measurements at lower momentum transfer. |GEn| remains less than 0.3 and |GMn| continues its decrease towards zero with increasing momentum transfer (|GMn|<0.2 at q2=35 F2).