Initial employment experience of 1996 graduates of diagnostic radiology and radiation oncology training programs.

The American College of Radiology sought to detail the initial employment experience of 1996 diagnostic radiology and radiation oncology graduates, the actual effect of factors expected to generate poor employment outcomes, and trends since 1995.In autumn 1996, questionnaires were mailed to all graduates; 69% responded. The results were compared with a similar survey of 1995 graduates.After graduation, 3-10% of graduates, depending on their field (diagnostic radiology or radiation oncology) and level (residency or fellowship), spent some time working as a locum tenens, working outside their field, or unemployed. However, by a year after graduation, working outside one's field and unemployment had virtually disappeared, even among graduates unable or unwilling to relocate. The Professional Bureau of the American College of Radiology was the most widely used major job search method and drew relatively favorable ratings. At least 15-22% of graduates in posttraining employment had, and disliked, one or more o...