Functions of signal and signal-anchor sequences are determined by the balance between the hydrophobic segment and the N-terminal charge.

The signal sequence of secretory proteins and the signal-anchor sequence of type II membrane proteins initiate the translocation of the following polypeptide segments, whereas the signal-anchor sequence of cytochrome P-450-type membrane proteins mediates the membrane insertion of the polypeptide via a signal-recognition particle-dependent mechanism but does not lead to the translocation of the following C-terminal sequences. To establish the structural requirements for the function of signal and signal-anchor sequences, we constructed chimeric proteins containing artificial topogenic sequences in which the N-terminal net charge and the length of the hydrophobic segment were systematically altered. Utilizing an in vitro translation-translocation system, we found that hydrophobic segments consisting of 7-10 leucine residues functioned as signal sequences whereas segments with 12-15 leucine residues showed different topogenic functions, behaving as signal sequences or P-450-type signal-anchor sequences, depending on the N-terminal charge. From these observations, we propose that the function of N-terminal topogenic sequences depends on a balance between the N-terminal charge and the length of the following hydrophobic segment.