Two Distinct Regions in a Yeast Myosin-V Tail Domain Are Required for the Movement of Different Cargoes

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae myosin-V, Myo2p, is essential for polarized growth, most likely through transport of secretory vesicles to the developing bud. Myo2p is also required for vacuole movement, a process not essential for growth. The globular region of the myosin-V COOH-terminal tail domain is proposed to bind cargo. Through random mutagenesis of this globular tail, we isolated six new single point mutants defective in vacuole inheritance, but not polarized growth. These point mutations cluster to four amino acids in an 11-amino acid span, suggesting that this region is important for vacuole movement. In addition, through characterization of myo2-ΔAflII, a deletion of amino acids 1,459–1,491, we identified a second region of the globular tail specifically required for polarized growth. Whereas this mutant does not support growth, it complements the vacuole inheritance defect in myo2-2 (G1248D) cells. Moreover, overexpression of the myo2-ΔAflII globular tail interferes with vacuole movement, but not polarized growth. These data indicate that this second region is dispensable for vacuole movement. The identification of these distinct subdomains in the cargo-binding domain suggests how myosin-Vs can move multiple cargoes. Moreover, these studies suggest that the vacuole receptor for Myo2p differs from the receptor for the essential cargo.