Bayesian Mapping of Multiple Quantitative Trait Loci From Incomplete Inbred Line Cross Data

A novel fine structure mapping method for quantitative traits is presented. It is based on Bayesian modeling and inference, treating the number of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) as an unobserved random variable and using ideas similar to composite interval mapping to account for the effects of QTLs in other chromosomes. The method is introduced for inbred lines and it can be applied also in situations involving frequent missing genotypes. We propose that two new probabilistic measures be used to summarize the results from the statistical analysis: (1) the (posterior) QTL-intensity, for estimating the number of QTLs in a chromosome and for localizing them into some particular chromosomal regions, and (2) the location wise (posterior) distributions of the phenotypic effects of the QTLs. Both these measures will be viewed as functions of the putative QTL locus, over the marker range in the linkage group. The method is tested and compared with standard interval and composite interval mapping techniques by using simulated backcross progeny data. It is implemented as a software package. Its initial version is freely available for research purposes under the name Multimapper at URL