Platelet Storage Pool Deficiency and Prostaglandin Synthesis in Chronic Granulocytic Leukaemia

Platelet function was evaluated in 8 patients with chronic granulocytic leukemia (CGL), seven Ph1 [Philadelphia chromosome] positive and one Ph1 negative. Seven of the 8 patients'' platelets had an absence of the 2nd wave of adrenaline-induced aggregation on at least 1 occasion, while 5 had impaired collagen aggregation. The platelets of all 7 patients with abnormal responses to adrenaline, aggregated with arachidonic acid, ruling out a cyclo-oxygenase deficiency. A marked decrease in the ADP, serotonin and dense body content of platelets was found in all 5 patients evaluated. Mixtures of CGL patient platelets with platelets from normal donors who had ingested aspirin gave a normal biphasic response to adrenaline. Normal release of the storage pool contents from aspirin-treated platelets was shown by stirring a mixture of CGL platelets and 14C-serotonin labeled aspirin-treated platelets with adrenaline. The CGL platelets alone or in the mixture produced malondialdehyde in response to adrenaline. CGL platelets have a storage pool deficiency but can synthesize prostaglandins and thromboxanes in response to arachidonic acid and adrenaline.