Human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) escape mutants selected with antibodies specific for the attachment (G) protein contain diverse genetic alterations, including point mutations, premature stop codons, frame shift changes and A to G hypermutations. The latter changes have only been found in mutants selected with antibodies directed against the conserved central region of the G protein. This gene segment fulfils substrate requirements for adenosine deaminases that act on RNA (ADARs): i.e. it is an A+U rich region of 137 residues and 98 or 106 of them – for A/Mon/3/88 or Long HRSV strains, respectively – are predicted to form intramolecular base pairs leading to a stable RNA secondary structure. In addition, when sequences of the G gene from natural isolates are compared in terms of pairwise substitutions, A to G+G to A changes are preferentially observed in regions where stable intramolecular dsRNA secondary structures are predicted to occur. In this study, a model is proposed in which, in addition to nucleotide misincorporations, reiterative A to G changes in HRSV are generated by ADAR activity operating in short segments (100–200 ribonucleotide residues) of the HRSV genome with high tendency for intramolecular base pairing.