A public HLA antigen associated with HLA-A9, Aw32, and Bw4

TheHLA complex codes for three distinct 44000 dalton molecules associated withΒ 2 microglobulin — HLA-A, B and C —each with its own multiallelic series of private antigens. The HLA-B molecule is exceptional in that it also carries a diallelic system,Bw4 andBw6. One of these,Bw4, is often associated with the A- locus specificity A9. This finding has usually been ascribed to linkage disequilibrium between A-and B-locus antigens. We have shown, however, that an epitope called LHe is actually shared by A-locus and B-locus molecules. This epitope is found on all HLA-B molecules bearing the Bw4 determinant and is also found on all HLA-A molecules carrying the A9 (Aw23 and Aw24) or Aw32 specificities. We consider this a “public” HLA antigen; the possible molecular basis for both subtypic and public antigens on a single glycoprotein is discussed.