Intraoperative Testing for Parathyroid Hormone: A Comprehensive Review of the Use of the Assay and the Relevant Literature

Objective.—The rapid intraoperative parathyroid hormone assay is transforming the parathyroidectomy procedure. We present a review of the literature on the use of the assay as an adjunct to surgery. To our knowledge, this is the first review of the literature to encompass and compare all known primary studies of this assay in parathyroidectomy patients. Data Sources.—Articles were collected by searching MEDLINE databases using relevant terminology. The references of these articles were reviewed for additional studies. Supplementary articles pertinent to the parathyroidectomy procedure, preoperative parathyroid localization studies, and intraoperative parathyroid hormone assay development also were examined. Study Selection and Data Extraction.—One hundred sixty-five references were analyzed and categorized separately into groups. Data Synthesis.—The primary studies of intraoperative data on patients undergoing parathyroidectomy were compared when possible. Studies were analyzed by type of assay used, where performed, turnaround time, and efficiency of use. Reviews of the types of parathyroid surgery and preoperative localization were included for educational purposes. Conclusions.—The intraoperative parathyroid hormone assay is a useful adjunct to preoperative imaging and parathyroid surgery because of its unique ability to detect an occult residuum of hyperfunctioning parathyroid tissue. Use of this assay will obviate the need for frozen section in most routine cases. The test facilitates minimally invasive parathyroidectomy for single parathyroid adenomas, which, in turn, improves cost-effectiveness and cosmetic outcome. Its use in patients with known preoperative multiglandular disease is promising but requires further study.