Ferroelectric properties of copolymers of vinylidene fluoride with trifluoroethylene and tetrafluoroethylene are described with special interest in their polarization reversal and phase transition behavior. The ferroelectric phase consists of all-trans molecules packed in a parallel fashion while molecules adopt irregular TT, TG, T[Gbar] conformations in the paraelectric phase. In the ferroelectric phase, polarization reversal occurs at very high fields (> 100 MV/m) as a result of eventual 180° rotations of individual chain molecules around their axes. The switching time ranges from sec to nsec depending upon the strength of the applied field according to an exponential law with a particularly large activation field (∼ 1 GV/m). The value of the observed remnant polarization is consistent with prediction from a simple dipole sum implying a minor contribution from the Coulomb interaction. The ferroelectric-to-paraelectric transition appears most clearly for copolymers containing 50-80 mol% vinylidene fluoride at temperatures from 70 to 140°C. The transition accompanies cooperative dipole motions associated with elementary trans-gauche transformations. Changes in various properties as well as in structures in the vicinity of the Curie point are consistent with an order-disorder transition of first order. Detailed characteristics specifying their ferroelectricity are summarized and discussed in relation to the molecular, crystalline, and higher-order structures inherent to ferroelectric polymers.