Zintlphasen mit komplexen Anionen: Zur Kenntnis von Ca3AlAs3 und Ba3AlSb3/Zintl Phases with Complex Anions: On Ca3AlAs3 and Ba3AlSb3

The new compound Ca3AlAs3 crystallizes in the orthorhombic system (space group: Pnma) with a = 1221.2(3) pm, b = 420.1(2) pm, c = 1343.4(4) pm. In the structure there are AlAs4-tetrahedra connected by common corners to „Einereinfach" chains. The new compound Ba3AlSb3 crystallizes in the orthorhombic system (space group: Cmca) with a = 2113.3(10) pm, b = 719.4(5) pm, c = 1400.9(8) pm. AlSb4-tetrahedra are connected by common edges to isolated Al2Sb6 groups. According to the compositions and structures both compounds belong to the Zintl-phases.

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