Evaluating GCM Land Surface Hydrology Parameterizations by Computing River Discharges Using a Runoff Routing Model: Application to the Mississippi Basin
To relate general circulation model (GCM) hydrologic output to readily available river hydrographic data, a runoff routing scheme that routes gridded runoffs through regional- or continental-scale river drainage basins is developed. By following the basin overland flow paths, the routing model generates river discharge hydrographs that can be compared to observed river discharges, thus allowing an analysis of the GCM representation of monthly, seasonal and annual water balances over large regions. The runoff routing model consists of two linear reservoirs a surface reservoir and a groundwater reservoir, which store and transport water. The water transport mechanisms operating within these two reservoirs are differentiated by their time scares, the groundwater reservoir transports water much more slowly than the surface reservoir. The groundwater reservoir feeds the corresponding surface store and the surface stores are connected via the river network. The routing model is implemented over the GEW... Abstract To relate general circulation model (GCM) hydrologic output to readily available river hydrographic data, a runoff routing scheme that routes gridded runoffs through regional- or continental-scale river drainage basins is developed. By following the basin overland flow paths, the routing model generates river discharge hydrographs that can be compared to observed river discharges, thus allowing an analysis of the GCM representation of monthly, seasonal and annual water balances over large regions. The runoff routing model consists of two linear reservoirs a surface reservoir and a groundwater reservoir, which store and transport water. The water transport mechanisms operating within these two reservoirs are differentiated by their time scares, the groundwater reservoir transports water much more slowly than the surface reservoir. The groundwater reservoir feeds the corresponding surface store and the surface stores are connected via the river network. The routing model is implemented over the GEW...