β-Decay Asymmetries in PolarizedB12andN12and theG-Parity-Nonconserving Weak Interaction

The decay asymmetries (a) in polarized B12 and N12 have been measured as a function of β-ray energy (E). The coefficients α, in a form of a=P(pE)(1+αE), have been determined to be α(B12)=+(0.31±0.06)%/MeV and α+(N12)=(0.21±0.07)%/MeV. The experimental value, αα+=(0.52±0.09)%/MeV. is larger than the prediction of conserved-vector-current theory, (αα+)CVC0.27%/MeV, and in favor of the existence of the second-class induced-tensor current.