Plastid development in seedlings of Echinochloa crus-galli var. oryzicola under anoxic germination conditions

Plastid development in the primary leaf of Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. var. oryzicola (Vasing.) Ohwi was followed during 5 d of anoxic germination and growth. Plastids develop slowly from simple spheroidal proplastids into larger pleomorphic plastids with several stromal membranes and many peripheral membrane vesicles. A small prolamellar body is present at 96 h with perforated (pro)thylakoids extending into the stroma. Changes in starch grains and plastoglobuli are evidence of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism. Plastid division is indicated by dumbbell plastid profiles after 4 d of anoxia. These results demonstrate that plastids not only maintain their integrity during anaerobic germination but also show developmental changes involving an increase in internal membrane complexity, although to a lesser extent than in etiolated shoots.