Li6(p, p′)Li6(3.56 MeV)Reaction fromEp=24.3 to 46.4MeV and the Effective Interaction

The total cross section for the Li6(p, p)Li6(3.56 MeV) reaction was measured by observing the isotropic 3.56-MeV de-excitation γ rays in a 20-cm3 Ge(Li) detector and was found to decrease slowly with energy. In a microscopic model of the reaction, this cross section depends only on the spin-isospin-dependent part V11 of the effective interaction. At energies above 34 MeV, the data are well described by a potential, V11=Veαrαr, where the range 1α is taken to be 1.0 F, and V=12.1 MeV. At 25 MeV, V=11.1 MeV fits the data. The impulse approximation predicts a cross section larger than the data for the energy range of this experiment, the ratio decreasing from 2.9 at 25 MeV to 1.4 at 45 MeV. Available evidence on the spin-isospin-dependent interaction is summarized. For proton energies between 23 and 52 MeV, the strength of V11 lies in the range 12.5±2.5 MeV and does not appear to vary with energy.