Synopsis: The occurrence of an incomplete fish plate of very large size in a loose block of Upper Old Red Sandstone at Pease Bay, near Cockburnspath, Berwickshire, is recorded. The bone is described, and identified as the anterior median dorsal plate of an antiarch (Placodermi), ?Remigolepis sp., a genus hitherto known only from beds of debatable age (Famennian or Lower Carboniferous) in East Greenland and Australia. The British discovery may allow more accurate correlation with these beds, which bear very important vertebrate faunas including the earliest known land vertebrates, of which the ichthyostegid amphibians from East Greenland are best known. The actual age of these strata, however, remains to be evaluated. The possibility of amphibians occurring in association with ?Remigolepis sp. in Berwickshire is considered extremely remote.

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