The Elution Behaviour of Scrapie Brain Tissue Through Calcium Phosphate Columns

SUMMARY: During the investigation of procedures for the isolation and characterization of the agent causing scrapie disease in sheep a study of the elution behaviour of scrapie brain preparations from sheep, goats and mice on calcium phosphate columns was made. Eluates of increasing phosphate concentration were tested for biological activity in the sheep and mouse. Adsorption on calcium phosphate columns did not provide a satisfactory method for concentration of the biologically active scrapie agent from untreated homogenates; only a 10-fold purification of the agent was achieved. The activity always appeared in the pelleted sediment after high-speed centrifugation of the eluates. Ether treatment of the tissue can alter the elution behaviour. The elution data have been interpreted as indicating species variation in the binding of the agent to brain tissue.