Cilia Regeneration in Stentor: Inhibition, Delay and Abnormalities Induced by Griseofulvin

SYNOPSIS. Stentor coeruleus were experimentally induced to shed their membranellar bands (MB), structures consisting of rows of cilia and their basal bodies. Control stentors entirely regenerate their MB's within 8‐10 hours according to a well‐known pattern. Stentors replaced in medium containing the fungicide and mitotic spindle inhibitor griseofulvin (10‐5M) could be reversibly inhibited from regeneration for about 3 to more than 24 hours. If griseofulvin‐inhibited cells were removed and washed, they regenerated like the controls. After about one day in 10‐5M griseofulvin and at lower concentrations stentors eventually regenerated in the presence of the drug, but abnormally.Normal unshed stentors show certain minor cytological effects and are unable to divide in griseofulvin (10‐5M); however, they can be maintained swimming actively for several weeks in nonlethal concentrations of the drug. Altho some induced abnormalities persist after removal from griseofulvin, all washed cells eventually revert to normal.