Ectomycorrhizal synthesis with Alaskan Alnus tenuifolia

The ability of Alnus tenuifolia to form ectomycorrhizal fungi was investigated. Alnus tenuifolia seedlings raised in growth pouches were inoculated with Frankia to induce nodulation and then with a putative extomycorrhizal fungus. The fungi used were collected in nearly pure A. tenuifolia stands in Alaska or were found in Alnus neopalensis stands in Nepal. Five species of putative ectomycorrhizal symbionts of alders were tested. Alpova diplophloeus and Paxillus filamentosus formed by both mantle and Hartig net. Cortinarius cf. saturninus developed a mantle but no Hartig net. Hebeloma cf. crustuliniforme and Gyrodon lividus developed neither mantle nor Hartig net. This is the first report of synthesis of P. filamentosus and C. cf. saturninus with Alnus. The ectomycorrhizal status of the genus Gyrodon is discussed, since in vitro synthesis has not yet been demonstrated. Synthesis with A. diplophloeus and H. crustuliniforme did not result in ectomycorrhizal formations with nonnodulated alder seedlings.