Epidemic keratoconjunctivitis in the West of Scotland, 1967–72

SUMMARY Outbreaks of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis have occurred among workers in shipyards and other industrial concerns in the West of Scotland in 1956, 1967 and 1971–72. In the most recent episode 220 persons were known to be affected and those mainly involved were shipyard personnel working on the open decks of ships under construction; only a few non-industrial workers were affected. As in previous outbreaks adenovirus type 8 was shown to be the causal organism. It is likely that spread of the virus was probably facilitated in some of the patients by such procedures as first aid measures to remove foreign bodies from the eye. A survey of the family contacts of those affected in 1971–72 revealed that only 2% were secondarily infected. This was probably due to propaganda measures to discourage the use of communal face towels, etc. Despite close virological surveillance over a period of 6 years of patients attending opthalmic clinics in the West of Scotland, there is as yet no clue to the whereabouts of adenovirus type 8 during interepidemic periods. It is suggested that travellers might be responsible for the introduction of the infection into an area.