An Improved Diluent for Diphtheria Toxin in the Schick Test

Summary: An improved method is described for preparing diphtheria toxin ready diluted for the Schick test. Diphtheria toxin diluted to Schick strength (1/5 m.l.d. per cubic centimeter) with an aqueous solution of Witte peptone 0.25 per cent, sodium chloride 0.85 per cent and phenol 0.5 per cent and passed through a Berkefeld filter retains its toxicity even after ninety-six hours' incubation at 37.5°C. The reactions following the injection into human beings of this ready-diluted toxin and of toxin freshly diluted, as in the previous Schick outfits, are entirely comparable. The use of 0.25 per cent Witte peptone is preferable to 2 per cent Difco-Proteose peptone because of its failure to produce early or diffuse reactions.

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