Examination of General and Tumor-Specific Cell-Mediated Immune Responses in Mice Bearing Progressively Growing Plasmacytomas 2

General and tumor-specific cell-mediated immunity was investigated in BALB/c mice bearing progressively growing mineral oil-induced plasmacytoma ADJ-PCS, which was previously known to possess tumor-associated antigens (TAA). Lymphocyte blastogenesis (LB) assays demonstrated that the levels of blastogenesis to T- and B-cell mitogens in spleen cells of tumor-bearing mice were severely depressed in the early as well as the late stages of tumor growth. Total eradication of the palpable tumor after chemotherapy with aniline mustard resulted in recovery of the general T- and B-cell immunocompetence. Spleen cells from mice bearing medium-sized to large (15–30 mm in diameter) subcutaneous ADJ-PC5 tumors, shown to be generally depressed to mitogens by LB assays, nevertheless retained strong tumor-specific neutralizing immunity in Winn assays against ADJ-PC5 tumor cells. Specificity of the ADJ-PC5-directed immunity was confirmed by the failure of ADJ-PC5-immune spleen cells to neutralize a Moloney virus-induced leukemia (LSTRA) or a simian virus 40-induced fibrosarcoma (mKSA). Likewise, established specific immunity against TAA of mKSA was not interrupted by progressive growth of ADJ-PC5 tumors in mKSA-immune mice. Results suggested that specific cell-mediated immunity against TAA of ADJ-PC5 or another tumor (mKSA) was left intact in animals bearing progressively growing ADJ-PC5 tumors, even though their spleen cell populations (T and B) demonstrated severely depressed lymphoproliferative responses toT- and B-cell mitogens.