Comment on the critical behavior in the Percus-Yevick equation

The internal consistency of the procedure described by Brey, Santos, and Rull [Phys. Rev. A 26, 2993 (1982)] to determine the thermodynamical properties of the Lennard-Jones classical fluid in the critical region on the basis of the Percus-Yevick (PY) equation is discussed and found inadequate. New results for the solution of this equation near the critical point for a much larger range in r space are presented. We consider the sum of two Yukawa potentials as the pair interaction. Our results are in complete agreement with the critical behavior found with models exactly soluble (adhesive hard spheres and lattice gas) in the PY approximation: classical critical exponents but a nonclassical scaling function that leads to an asymmetry between liquid and vapor with a true spinode present only for ρ>ρc.