Ciliates exhibit nuclear dimorphism, i.e. they have a germline micronucleus and a somatic macronucleus. Macronuclei are differentiated from mitotic sisters of micronuclei. The macronuclei of "higher ciliates" are polyploid and divide acentromerically ("amitotically"); they differentiate once per life cycle. By contrast, Karyorelict (KR) ciliate macronuclei are nearly diploid and cannot divide; they must differentiate at every cell cycle. Diverse lines of evidence are presented to support the hypothesis that ancestral ciliate macronuclei were incapable of division (as in living karyorelict ciliates) and that higher ciliates gained, perhaps independently more than once, the ability to divide the macronucleus. Selective pressures that could have driven the evolution and macronuclear division and two plausible step-wise pathways for the evolution of macronuclear division are proposed. These hypotheses are relevant to our understanding of amitosis mechanisms, evolution of nuclear dimorphism, and phylogenetic classification of ciliates.