The feasibility of wafer bonding 50‐nm diameter wafers consisting of GaP‐AlGaInP light‐emitting diode epitaxial films to GaP substrates is demonstrated. Wafer bonding over the entire wafer area is achieved while maintaining optical transparency and low‐resistance electrical conduction at the wafer‐bonded interface. Using this technique, visible‐spectrum transparent‐substrate GaP‐AlGaInP/GaP light emitting diodes (LEDs) are fabricated across an entire 50‐mm wafer with typical operating voltages <2.1 V at 20 mA and twice the flux of absorbing‐substrate GaP‐AlGaInP/GaAs LEDs. This large‐area wafer‐bonding method is further shown to be capable of producing very high efficiency emitters, with an external quantum efficiency of 23.7% (300 K, 20 mA, dc) at 635.6 nm.