RareE2Transition inC13

By means of a coincidence method it is shown that the 52+ state of C13 at 3.86 Mev has an E2 branch of relative strength (9.3±2.0)×103 to the ½+ state at 3.09 Mev. From consideration of the likely strengths of the competing E1 transition to the 32 state at 3.68 Mev and the M2 transition to the ground state it is deduced that this branching ratio implies an E2 transition speed of the order of a single-particle (proton) unit. This in turn demands the substantial participation of at least one excited state of C12 in the parentage of at least one of the C13 states with respect to the 1d or 2s neutron. This eliminates in particular a jj-coupling description of C13 in which the two states in question are 1d52 and 2s12 neutron states and more generally a weak-coupling model in which the ground state of C12 is the unique parent for the C13 states (with respect to 1d and 2s neutrons).

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