The Effect of Interstitial Air on the In Vitro Thrombogenicity of ePTFE Vascular Grafts

Gas trapped in the interstices of the biomaterials used for vascular prostheses causes thrombosis, and the process of eliminating this gas is known as denucleation. An apparatus was developed for testing the in vitro effects of denucleation on 4 mm I.D. expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) Vitagraft (Johnson and Johnson). The apparatus was designed to ensure that neither the blood nor the grafts came in contact with air. Blood from a single donor was incubated with control and denucleated grafts for 5, 10, 15, 20, and 30 minutes. The thrombus volume in the graft lumen was measured with a computer assisted videometric system. Little thrombus formed by 5 or 10 minutes, but there was less thrombus in the denucleated graft than in the con trol graft at all times. The differences were statistically significant at 15 and 20 minutes (p < 0.05). Denucleation nearly doubled the thrombus formation time. Thrombus was more adherent to denucleated grafts than to control grafts. These results are consistent with in vivo observations in the rat where denucleation decreased thrombus formation and increased patency duration.