The specific heats C of arc-cast specimens of Ti and alloys of Ti with Mn and Co have been measured between 1.2 and 4.5°K. For ≈99.92 wt.% pure hcp Ti, the standard C=γT+βT3 relation is closely obeyed, with γ=3.30±0.03mJ/mole(°K)2 and β13θD=429±7°K. For hcp Ti alloys containing 0.17-1.7 at.% (nominal atomic percent) Mn we observe (1) a large excess specific-heat contribution which increases with decrease of temperature, evidently associated with ordering of magnetic moments localized at the Mn ions, and (2) no calorimetric evidence of a standard bulk superconducting transition. Neither a large localized-moment-type specific-heat contribution nor a standard bulk superconducting transition is calorimetrically observed in hcp Ti-1 at.% Co. The absence of standard bulk superconducting transitions in dilute hcp Ti-Mn and Ti-Co is in apparent conflict with earlier magnetic evidence for elevation of the superconducting transition temperature Tc above 1.2°K in such alloys. That dilute Mn addition to the hcp Group-IV transition elements Ti or Zr actually lowers Tc is suggested by the observation that 0.2 at.% Mn added to the superconducting alloy hcp Ti-50 at.% Zr [Tc=1.60°K, γ=4.2mJ/mole(°K)2, θD=304°K] (1) induces localized-moment behavior in the magnetic susceptibility and specific heat, (2) eliminates the standard bulk calorimetric superconducting transition, and (3) results in a broad and incomplete resistance-versus-temperature superconducting transition. In contrast to the behavior of hcp Ti-Mn and Ti-Zr-Mn alloys, a predominantly bcc Ti-14 at.% Mn alloy displays (1) standard normal-state specific-heat behavior with no evidence of localized moments, and (2) a standard calorimetric superconducting transition at Tc=2.55°K. The formation and interaction of dilute localized moments in Ti and Ti-Zr, and the effect of the localized moments on superconductivity, are qualitatively discussed.