Short communication the natural history of fetal cytomegalovirus infection as assessed by serial ultrasound and fetal blood sampling: A case report

A patient in whom intrauterine fetal cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection was diagnosed at approximately 25 weeks' gestation is presented. The fetus was evaluated by serial fetal blood samplings and ultrasound examinations. The fetus manifested evidence of severe thrombocytopenia and hepatic inflammation, with recovery over a period of approximately 8 weeks. The initial sonographic findings of marked fetal ascites and cardiomegaly gradually resolved; ventriculomegaly developed during the third trimester. At delivery, the baby was morphologically normal with the exception of mild ventriculomegaly. Cord blood was negative for CMV IgM but urine was culture‐positive for CMV. At age 3, the child has a severe but stable unilateral hearing deficit and is otherwise developmentally normal. This case demonstrates the utility of serial ultrasound and fetal blood sampling in the prenatal diagnosis and management of fetal CMV infection.