DNA Logic Gates

A conceptually new logic gate based on DNA has been devised. Methoxybenzodeazaadenine (MDA), an artificial nucleobase which we recently developed for efficient hole transport through DNA, formed stable base pairs with T and C. However, a reasonable hole-transport efficiency was observed in the reaction for the duplex containing an MDA/T base pair, whereas the hole transport was strongly suppressed in the reaction using a duplex where the base opposite MDA was replaced by C. The influence of complementary pyrimidines on the efficiency of hole transport through MDA was quite contrary to the selectivity observed for hole transport through G. The orthogonality of the modulation of these hole-transport properties by complementary pyrimidine bases is promising for the design of a new molecular logic gate. The logic gate system was executed by hole transport through short DNA duplexes, which consisted of the “logic gate strand”, containing hole-transporting nucleobases, and the “input strand”, containing pyrimidines which modulate the hole-transport efficiency of logic bases. A logic gate strand containing multiple MDA bases in series provided the basis for a sharp AND logic action. On the other hand, for OR logic and combinational logic, conversion of Boolean expressions to standard sum-of-product (SOP) expressions was indispensable. Three logic gate strands were designed for OR logic according to each product term in the standard SOP expression of OR logic. The hole-transport efficiency observed for the mixed sample of logic gate strands exhibited an OR logic behavior. This approach is generally applicable to the design of other complicated combinational logic circuits such as the full-adder.