The type and origin of the cells in malignant melanotic neoplasms of the choroid have long been a subject of considerable interest. More recently, the relationship between such tumors and benign melanomas or pigmented nevi has received increasing attention. The possible malignant transformation of benign melanomas has been suggested by de Schweinitz and Shumway,1 Wolfrum,2 Moore,3 Heine,4 Dawson5 and Mulock Houwer.6 None of these observers was able, however, to give definite proof of such transformation. Scheerer7 stated that malignant degeneration of a melanoma of the choroid has never been observed. Benign melanomas of the choroid are much more common than appears from a survey of the literature on ophthalmology. It seems from reported cases that malignant melanotic tumors of the choroid are more common than benign tumors. Schappert-Kimmyser8 investigated histologically the occurrence of benign melanomas in eyes with and without