The seasonal distribution of Caulobacter spp. has been determined in the water column of two mesotrophic lakes using most probable number (MPN) viable counting techniques from April, 1972 to March, 1973. Concentrations in Lake Washington, a monomictic lake, peaked at 1000–3300 per ml in the epilimnion during the late spring and summer and reached lows in October of less than 2 per ml prior to fall turnover. The reason for the decrease in viable numbers is not known. Caulobacter spp. began to increase gradually in December, during the winter mixing period well before the spring bloom. Concentrations in Hall Lake, a small kettle lake, were somewhat higher than in Lake Washington, ranging from 0.27 per ml in October to over 5000 per ml during May. In contrast to Lake Washington, the highest populations were found in the metalimnion and upper hypolimnion of Hall Lake. Caulobacter spp. were also found in the anaerobic depths of the hypolimnion. However, these did not grow anaerobically, suggesting that they had settled into the hypolimnion and survived in the cold anaerobic zone. The populations of Caulobacter spp. reached maximum numbers at the approximate times and depths at which algal biomass would be expected to be greatest.