Depression in torticollis: a controlled study

Synopsis: Eighty-five patients with idiopathic, persistent spasmodic torticollis were compared to a control group of 49 patients with cervical spondylosis to assess (1) the prevalence of psychiatric disorder prior to and following the onset of their physical complaint, and (2) to establish the effect of torticollis on self-reports of depression on the Beck Depression Inventory, and self-rated hopelessness on the Hopelessness Scale. The prevalence of psychiatric disorder in the two groups did not differ. The torticollis patients had significantly higher mean scores on the Beck Depression Inventory, but did not differ from the control group in terms of hopelessness. Self-referent negative cognitions such as self-blame, self-accusation, self-punitive thoughts, and negative body-image emerged as the prominent component of depression in torticollis, which has implications for the management of depression in torticollis.

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