Social conditions in a total population with long-term functional psychosis in three different areas of Stockholm County

A number of social conditions regarding interpersonal relations, housing and employment were studied in a total population of individuals with long-term functional psychosis (n= 341) drawn from the population aged 18–64 years inhabiting three different areas of Stockholm County, altogether about 57,000 inhabitants. Individuals were included irrespective of whether they had a psychiatric treatment contact or not. They were mostly unmarried (57%) and living alone (64%). Most were unemployed (69%) and over half received a disability pension. However, 76% had their own flat and a reasonable financial standard, not deteriorating with illness duration. The diagnosis of schizophrenia led to poorer social conditions, as did early age at onset, male sex and co-morbidity of substance abuse. A larger number of individuals lived in an institution in the urban area while a greater number lived with relatives in the rural area.