A Method for the Quantitative Site-Specific Study of the Biochemistry within Dental Plaque Biofilms Formed in vivo

The study of plaque biofilms in the oral cavity is difficult as plaque removal inevitably disrupts biofilm integrity precluding kinetic studies involving the penetration of components and metabolism of substrates in situ. A method is described here in which plaque is formed in vivo under normal (or experimental) conditions using a collection device which can be removed from the mouth after a specified time without physical disturbance to the plaque biofilm, permitting site-specific analysis or exposure of the undisturbed plaque to experimental conitions in vitro. Microbiological analysis revealed plaque flora which was similar to that reported from many natural sources. Analytical data can be related to plaque volume rather than weight. Using this device, plaque fluoride concentrations have been shown to vary with plaque depth and in vitro short-term exposure to radiolabelled components may be carried out, permitting important conclusions to be drawn regarding the site-specific composition and dynamics of dental plaque.