Nuclear Levels ofCs133

The gamma rays of Cs133 following the electron-capture decay of Ba133 were studied using a coincidence scintillation spectrometer. Gamma rays with the following energies (in kev) were observed: 386, 356, 301, 276, (220), 162, 82, 80, and 54. The energies (in kev) of the nuclear levels of Cs133 with their spins and parities are: ground state (72+), 82 (52+), 162 (32+), 383 (32+), and 438 (½+). The electron-capture transitions and their relative intensities are as follows: (a) to the 438-kev level, 76% (b) to the 383-kev level, 11% (c) to the 162-kev level, 13%. In the decay of Xe133, (1.5±1.0)% of the beta transitions was observed to go to the 162-kev level in Cs133 and the remaining go to the 82-kev level.

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