A hollow cathode ion sputter source has been coupled to an ESR matrix isolation apparatus for the generation and study of metallic nitrides and other radical species. The ESR results for MoN are consistent with a 4Σ ground electronic state assignment, although unusual temperature effects indicate the possibility of very low lying excited states. A detailed analysis of the metallic hfs of 95MoN and 97MoN observed in neon, argon, and krypton matrices was conducted. The results for 95MoN in a neon matrix at 4 K are: g⊥ = 1.969(1), A⊥(95Mo) = 506.3(6) MHz, and A∥ (95Mo) = 480(8) MHz, Aiso = 498(3) MHz and Adip = −9(3) MHz. Based on these findings, the electronic structure of MoN was compared to the isoelectronic radical NbO and to VO. Mo atoms were generated by both thermal and ion sputter methods. The ESR parameters for the ground state of 95Mo (7S3) in argon at 10 K are: g = 2.000(1) and A = 237(1) MHz.