Synaptonemal complex (SC) analysis of six laboratory yeast strains showed the SC karyotypes to be repeatable within strains. Chromosomal differences were found between strains. In five of the strains, two SCs insert into the nucleolus. This represents a single bivalent with a nucleolar organizer in a medial position as is suggested by genetic data or two bivalents each with a terminal nucleolar organizer. In the first interpretation, n=16; in the second, n=17. Strain Tris has a single nucleolar SC and n=17. In strains DCx374, DCx416 and x 8366a the genetically determined rearrangements of linkage group III could not be identified. Presumably the short SC (0.33 μm) associated with linkage group III cannot accommodate an inversion loop or a translocation configuration. The strains however were found to harbour a reciprocal translocation involving the nucleolar chromosome. Trisomy for one of the longer chromosomes was observed in Tris and spo10. It is concluded that rearrangements of the medium and long but not short yeast chromosomes can be detected cytologically. — Measurements of nuclear volumes show SC length to vary with artifactually induced swelling of the nucleus. Linear regression of SC length over nuclear radius indicates that actual SC length is only about one-half the observed length. As a result the DNA packing per SC unit length is higher then previously estimated.