Detection of Bovine Group B Rotaviruses in Feces by Polymerase Chain Reaction

A pair of primers designed from the sequence of genome segment 9 of group B rat rotavirus (IDIR) were employed to amplify genome segment 9 of a group B bovine rotavirus in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and to sequence the derived PCR products. A new pair of primers were synthesized from the obtained sequence data and used in a PCR detection assay for group B bovine rotavirus in fecal samples. In addition, another pair of primers were designed to produce a PCR-derived internal probe. This probe was used in a chemiluminescent hybridization to confirm the specificity and to increase the sensitivity of the assay. This assay could detect 0.1 fg of target double-stranded RNA. It was specific to group B bovine rotavirus and did not detect group B rat (IDIR) and porcine rotaviruses, group A bovine (NCDV), simian (SA-11), equine (H-2), porcine (OSU), human (DS-1), deer, and avian rotaviruses, coronavirus, or other enteric organisms tested in this study.