Surface immunoglobulin, lectin-induced cap formation and phagocytic function in five patients with the leukemic phase of hairy cell leukemia

Hairy cells from 5 patients with greater than 25% hairy cells in the peripheral blood (4 had greater than 45% hairy cells and white blood cell counts (WBC) greater than 10,000/mm3) were studied for surface immunoglobulin (SIg) presence and distribution by two methods, for lectin-induced cap formation, and for phagocytosis of zymosan. Hairy cells from all 5 cases were found to have distinct monoclonal patterns, 2 Gk 1 MDk, 1 Dk, and 1 GMDk, as well as cap formation with SIg. All 5 cases showed distinct lectininduced cap formation in a percentage of cells similar to the percentage of hairy cells, and 2 of the 5 patients had hairy cells which phagocytosed zymosan. These findings contrasted with the malignant cells from 4 patients with CLL, which had monoclonal SIg but no SIg cap formation and no significant percentage of lectin-induced cap formation. Cells from 2 cases of T cell lymphomas had no SIg and no lectininduced cap formation as did cells from 2 cases of non-lymphomas leukemia. Hairy cells not only appear to have SIg cap formation similar to some B-lymphocytes, which in some patients also phagocytose zymosan, but also demonstrate strong lectin-induced cap formation. Cancer 46:50–55, 1980.