Radionuclide measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction in tricuspid atresia.

In 15 patients with tricuspid atresia and one with tricuspid stenosis the left ventricular ejection fraction was measured by equilibrium gated radionuclide angiography and the results compared with those from a control group of 16 patients. The patients with tricuspid atresia had a significantly depressed ejection fraction. Those who had a surgical shunt or who had had pulmonary artery banding had significantly lower ejection fractions than the remainder. There was no significant correlation between the ejection fraction and age, the arterial oxygen saturation, or the haemoglobin concentration. Five patients were also studied during isometric exercise; three had an abnormal response. Volume overload of the ventricle is identified as one cause of the dysfunction, but other factors may be important. Radionuclide angiography offers a non-invasive method of studying ventricular function in this condition.