Inner Ear Transgene Expression after Adenoviral Vector Inoculation in the Endolymphatic Sac

Gene transfer has been performed in a variety of organs. In the mammalian inner ear, viral vectors have been used to introduce exogenous reporter genes via the scala tympani into the cochlea. While scala tympani inoculation is clinically feasible, it is not without risks. Moreover, transgene expression has so far been restricted to the cochlear tissues in the perilymphatic spaces that are contiguous with the scala tympani. To achieve gene transfer of vestibular organs and cells surrounding the endolymphatic space, and to extend the clinical utility of inner ear gene therapy, we developed a new surgical approach for vector inoculation. A replication-deficient adenoviral vector, Ad.RSVntlacZ, was injected into the guinea pig endolymphatic sac. A large number of blue (LacZ-positive) cells was observed in the endolymphatic sac and duct, the vestibule, and the ampulla. Blue cells were also detected in the cochlea, mainly in cells bordering the endolymphatic space: marginal cells in the stria vascularis and supporting cells in the organ of Corti. These findings indicate that inoculation of viral vectors into the endolymphatic sac can provide efficient gene transfer into a variety of cell types that are not accessible via scala tympani inoculation.