The inherent low loss, wide instantaneous bandwidth, and light weight over large distances of the optical fiber make it an attractive option for a coaxial-based link system. Fiber optic links have been demonstrated for operation at rf frequency and into the mm-wave range within the last few years. In order to extend the dynamic range even more, either the modulation approach has to be modified or an rf linearization technique has to be used that will have an impact on the instantaneous frequency bandwidth. This papers describes a novel approach for extending the dynamic range of a fiber otic link by utilizing a double-sideband, suppressed-carrier modulation approach in conjunction with an optical amplifier. The system will be an inherently wide bandwidth system limited at this time to operation at 1550 nm due to the current availability of optical amplifiers. Before describing the linearized system, a brief discussion of the operational dynamic range as related to externally modulated systems is described.