An Unusual Occurrence of Sporotrichosis

Dermatological literature contains numerous reports of persons having acquired sporotrichosis by direct inoculation of the skin while handling vegetation or materials on which Sporotrichum schenckii was present. Pardo-Castello and Trespalacios1 reported nine cases in Cuba in which injury with vegetation produced a sporotrichotic chancre followed by the lymphangitic type involvement. Brown2 cultured S. schenckii from timbers in a South African gold mine, and many cases of sporotrichosis occurred among the miners who pricked their skins on these timbers. Gastineau3 found sphagnum moss as the focus of sporotrichosis among florists. Injury from thorns of the barberry shrub was shown by Foerster4 to have produced many cases. Gonzalez5 described sporotrichosis as a frequent occupational disease occurring among potters in Mexico. The purpose of this paper is to present eight cases of sporotrichosis of the primary cutaneous variety occurring among persons living and working in a combination residence